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Catholic Life & Mission
At St Thomas More, our children understand and embrace our distinctive Catholic identity and mission of the school, ‘We follow Jesus as we learn, play and pray together’. Our pupils know and understand that they are all valued and cared for as unique children, made in the image and likeness of God. They are happy, confident and feel secure. As a result, pupils flourish as they seek opportunities to grow in virtue. They gladly embrace their responsibility to care for our common home and serve those in need.
Pupils take a leading role in responding to the demands of Catholic Social Teaching and are pro-active in finding ways of responding, locally, nationally, and globally. They can clearly articulate the theology underpinning their actions. Some of the charities we have supported this year are: Save the Children, NSPCC, Garden House Hospice, Letchworth Foodbank, Children with Cancer ‘Bluebell Garden’. All our charities are chosen by the children so that they can understand the impact their actions have on those most in need.
Pupils show a deep respect for their own personal dignity and that of others, because they know we are all made in God’s image. They demonstrate a deep sense of respect for those of other faiths, religions, and none. The behaviour of pupils is exemplary in lessons and throughout the school and is often the first thing visitors will comment on.
Pupils highly value the school’s chaplaincy provision, willingly taking leadership roles within it.
They actively participate in and contribute to opportunities such as:
· Junior leaders (Y6)
· Prayer leaders (all years)
· Chaplaincy Team (Y5)
Catholic Social Teaching
Catholic Social Teaching is not an optional extra but is central to our faith, and is based on our understanding of human life and dignity as people made in the image and likeness of God.
Where do these teachings come from?
· The Gospels and the words of Jesus Christ.
· Papal statements and encyclicals.
· Catholic bishops’ statements and pastoral letters.
Catholic Social Teaching calls us all to work for the common good, help build a just society, uphold the dignity of human life and work for justice and the dignity of all our brothers and sisters, especially those in the greatest need.
The seven principles that we focus on at STM are:
· Dignity of the human person
· Family and Community
· Solidarity and the Common Good
· Dignity of Work
· Rights and Responsibilities
· Option for the poor and vulnerable
· Stewardship
(Caritas in Action, Diocese of Salford)