

English is taught as both a discreet and cross-curricular subject. Children are taught reading, writing, spelling, grammar, punctuation and phonics.

The programme for English is delivered in a variety of lively and creative ways, including the use of ebooks, computing, drama and outdoor learning. Reading and writing activities include peer, buddy, group and whole school initiatives. We also have a wonderful library which the children regularly access.

Children at STM are taught the early stages of reading and phonics using the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds programme. The school has adopted Collins Big Cat reading scheme to further support early reading skills. Please click on the following links to find out more about our provision: 

English, Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

Little Wandle Letters and Sounds - resources for parentsEnglish curriculum grid

English genre progression grid

Reading curriculum gridEarly Reading and Phonics Parent Information

Phonic Skills ProgressionArticulation of PhonemesGrammar Glossary for Parents

Overview of English Skills

A Parents Guide to Hearing Your Child Read

Recommended Reading Links




At St Thomas More, we take great pride of the quality of our pupils' handwriting skills. Once the children have mastered basic letter formation, they are encouraged to move to using the cursive script towards the end of their time in Early Years. We strongly believe this promotes fluency, neatness and has strong links to accuracy of spelling.

Click here to see our script: 

STM Curstive Handwriting Script

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